I want to bless you with free resources.
These are ways that you can connect with God and experience His presence!

Free Resource #1:
"Relax and Know that I am God"
Prayer Guide
Psalm 46:10 tells us to "Be still and know that I am God." The Hebrew word for "Be Still" can also be translated "Relax". I can relate a lot better to the word relax. I know that I need that. When I meditated on this verse, I thought, I bet that Psalm 46 would tell me things I need to know about God so I can relax. And sure enough, there are 3 things that Psalm 46 tells us about God that if we apply them we can relax. Psalm 46 says, He is our protection, our strenght, and our help. I created this quick prayer quide so you can connect with God around these 3 qualities of God and experience his presence. Fill out the form below to receive this free guide.
You're one step away from the
"Relax and Know that I am God"
Prayer Guide
Fill out the form below and we'll send it straight to your inbox.

Free Resource #2:
Pour Out Your Heart Exercise
Psalm 46:10 tells us to pour out our heart to God. A lot of us have things in life that are weighing us down. Things that we are worrying about, things that we are angry about, things we feel ahsamed about, things that make us sad, and so on. God invites us to pour our heart out to Him. I've found when we pour our heart out to God, He pours His heart into us (that is His thoughts, His comfort, His presence, etc.)
Fill out the form below to get your free "Pour out the Heart" Guide.
You're one step away from the
"Pour Out Your Heart"
Prayer Guide

Free Resource #3: Video Teaching
When Life Hurts: Experiencing God's Comfort in the Midst of Adversity.
Adversity and trials come to all people. It is inescapable. The beauty of God is not that He keeps us from adversity, but that He meets us in our adversity. In this teaching, Rick helps us connect with the God of all comfort. This teaching goes well with the above prayer guides. You can get your free access to this teaching by filling out the form below.
You're one step away from the
"When Life Hurts: Encountering God's Comfort in the Midst of Adversity"
Video Teaching

Free Resource #4: Video Teaching
Tuning In to God's Still Small Voice
We all long to hear God speak to us. But many of us feel that hearing God's voice is reserved for the super-spiritual. And unfortunately, not many of us feel like we are the "super-spirtual". Well I've got good news for you. God's voice isn't for the select few, it's for everyone. It's something you can learn to tune into. In this free teaching I will prove to you in 10 seconds or less that you already hear God's voice. And I'll teach you how to start to tune in. This is an excerpt from our most popular course, "Hearing God". I