How Do We Go From This...

To This...

Reset Your Rage Today!


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Unlock Lasting Peace: Overcome Anger and Resentment with The Rage Reset Program

Sometimes the peace we desire in life is escaping us not because of fear but because we’ve been hurt and we are living in anger.  Anger can get the best of all of us.  This powerful emotion stirs rage inside that we can’t seem to calm down.  I want to help you connect with God so you can let go of anger, rage,  and resentment.  Anger left unchecked turns into bitterness.  It poisons all of our relationships.  In my program The Rage Reset I’ll teach you how to let go of your anger in a healthy, Biblical, God honoring way so you can live at peace with yourself and others.

Anger can hit anywhere, anytime. Be in contol of your emotions - Don’t let anger get the best of you. Embrace forgiveness and find peace now—with God’s help

You laugh, but who hasn't wanted to explode on another driver?

  • Universal Frustration: We've all experienced that surge of anger when another driver cuts us off or drives recklessly—it's a universal frustration.
  • Momentary Madness: Road rage can take over in an instant, turning a minor inconvenience into a major emotional outburst.
  • Calm in Chaos: It doesn't have to be this way; by practicing mindfulness and patience, we can stay calm, centered, and peaceful, even in the most frustrating traffic situations.

Objects look out!

  • Who hasn't wanted to smash a computer screen or keyboard when the  computer just won't cooperate.
  • If I can't take it out on someone, this keyboard will do.  Do your walls have holes in them?  Have your door handles been pulled off?  Are the inanimate objects of your life in danger, because you can't control your anger?  Sure you didn't smash your friend, and that's commendable.  But this isn't a healthy way to handle anger either.

Your Spouse is Not the Enemy

  • Button Pushers: Those we love the most often have the greatest ability to push our buttons, but they also deserve our patience and understanding.
  • Misplaced Wrath: When stress mounts, it’s easy to direct our frustration at our spouse, family, or close friends, but this only hurts the ones we care about most.
  • Shift to Love: Recognize when you're misdirecting anger and choose to respond with love and empathy, strengthening your relationships instead of damaging them.

Are you irritable, moody, or easily agitated?

  • Misplaced Anger: Often, our irritability is misdirected at the people closest to us, damaging our most important relationships.
  • Emotional Overload: Being moody or easily agitated usually signals that we’re overwhelmed and need to address underlying stressors.
  • Breaking the Cycle: Recognizing and managing these emotions can help us break the cycle of agitation, leading to healthier interactions and a more peaceful mindset.

We're frustrated and the people around us are frustrated too.

  • Emotional Contagion: Frustration is contagious; our negative emotions can easily spread to those around us, creating a cycle of tension and unrest.
  • Strained Relationships: Constant frustration can erode trust and understanding, leading to strained relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.
  • Lost Opportunities: When we're caught in frustration, we miss out on moments of joy, connection, and growth, both for ourselves and those we care about.

Unhealthy anger is a spiritual problem that must be dealt with in a spiritual way.



Ephesians 4:26 -27 says, "In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.  

If we handle our anger in God's ways we stay clear of the bitterness trap that Satan lays before us.  When we don't handle our anger God's way we fall into his trap and the Bible says, Satan "takes us captive to do his will".

The Rage Reset™ teaches you how to release your anger, walk in forgiveness, have peace in your heart despite what others are doing to you, and not become trapped or enraged by your anger.  Anger has a way of gripping us and not letting go.  Too many of us are controlled by our anger and our "out of control".  Get your sanity and peace back and take control of this powerful emotion God's way. You'll see your heart transformed and allow God to transform your relationships.

Why am I so confident that God can give you freedom?


Because Spiritual battles have to be fought spiritually.

I had one student who's parents called me and said that their son was in counseling but still struggling with suicidal ideation.  I agreed to meet with him.  I listened to him and could tell that fear was a root issue that he hadn't been dealing with in a Biblical way.  In three lessons, teaching him how to take his fears to God,  his suicidal ideation was gone. 


Maybe your worries and fears aren't that extreme.  I had a student attend a conference I did on overcoming worry, anxiety and fear.  Here's what Chris D. had to say: 
"When I arrived at the conference I was in an anxious state relating to my business. I have been in my field for over 3 decades and I'm usually quite confident and at peace about it. That fact that I wasn't, in and of itself, was disturbing. After the first session regarding peace (another way of saying the absence of fear), I dove into the application session and to say it was effective is an understatement. The anxiety went away to such a level that in the second section I was so peaceful and relaxed that I found myself falling asleep! I rallied for the rest of the conference but a need was met in the very first session."

Viki had this to say: "I learned so much and was able to directly apply it to my life right there during the course. I had not realized how much of a grip old negative tapes from past trauma in my life was still gripping my soul. Since taking  the course those tapes have been silenced. It has been such a release for my soul and am truly thankful for the peace I feel even during stressful times."

I have countless stories about how the truths of the Bible, when applied, brought freedom, peace, and calm into people's lives.

Reset Your Rage Today!


Enroll in the Rage Reset Now!

Now I want to help you!

I'm Rick.

I'm the founding Pastor of the Church of the Free, where I have served as the lead Pastor for over 13 years.  I earned a Master’s of Divinity from Multnomah Biblical Seminary, where I was awarded the Faculty Award for Spiritual Life.

My passion is to help you experience God’s love and presence in your life, teach you how to apply the scriptures and walk you through a process of true transformation.

I started Come Close Ministries to help people draw close to God and learn how to connect with Him and His truth so we can walk in freedom.

If you're struggling with anger issues, you're not alone.  I created this course because so many people I knew were struggling with anger.  I had a deep desire to help people I knew and loved experience peace in their relationships.  In my pastoral ministry it seemed like everyone was hurting from something that someone else said or did to them.  This pain trapped them in a cycle of bitterness, anger, and sometimes rage. 

It was a cycle that many couldn't break free from on their own.  But as we dug into the scriptures together and as we took things to the Lord people were finding freedom and peace.  What went from some spiritual care sessions, turned into a conference, and then into an e-course.  The Rage Reset™ I created for those I loved because while I couldn't take their pain away, I could point them to Jesus and help them experience His comfort and His freedom from anger.

You know Jesus experienced so much on the cross from betrayal, to abandonment, to false accusations, to physical pain, and more.  He knows your pain.  He also knows how to stay anger free in those moments.  

If you're struggling with anger, I'd love to help you discover the peace that could be yours.  Let's embark on this journey together. There's no better time than now.  

Warmest wishes,

A Calm Life is Within Reach


God's Peace is not elusive; you can live in His peace no matter your circumstances.  Let today be the last day you let anger rule your life.


The Rage Reset™ program will guide you through the process of releasing your anger to God in a healthy way. 

It’s Time To Stop Living in Anger &
Experience the inner peace you've been longing for.

The Rage Reset™ course will lead you out of your anger and embrace love, forgiveness, and peace


The Rage Reset™



Break Free from Anger: Transform Your Life with the Rage Reset™!


Are you tired of anger dictating your emotions and actions? The Rage Reset Program is designed to help you overcome the chains of anger and resentment, paving the way for a life of peace and happiness. Through our Biblical, step-by-step approach, you'll learn powerful truths from God's word to manage and dissolve anger, turning your negative energy into personal growth and fulfillment. Imagine a future where you wake up feeling calm, focused, and in control of your emotions. Don't let anger steal another moment of your life – take action now and invest in the Rage Reset™. Start your journey towards emotional freedom and lasting change today!


Permission to be Angry: But Not Explode



Discover the Root Cause of All Fights and Quarrels



Discover the Keys to Forgiveness 


When & How to Overlook an Offense (Module 6)

When & How to Confront Someone (Module 7)



But I'm Angry at God?





2 Options to Reset Your Rage™

What is the best option for you?


Our e-course is designed for those who value flexibility and comprehensive learning at their own pace. With expertly crafted modules, you gain in-depth knowledge and actionable insights to achieve your goals. Unlike traditional learning methods, our e-course allows you to learn anytime, anywhere, making it perfect for busy lifestyles. Each module is structured to build on the previous one, ensuring a smooth and effective learning journey. Additionally, our e-course provides life-changing exercises, to reinforce your understanding and keep you engaged. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your skills and knowledge on your terms. Enroll in our e-course today and take the first step towards mastering your goals with flexibility and convenience!


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Coaching Experience

Coaching offers distinct advantages over e-courses by providing personalized attention, tailored guidance, and real-time feedback that e-courses simply can't match.  Coaching ensures accountability, keeping you motivated and on track towards your goals. With coaching, you receive immediate assistance and specific solutions to your unique challenges, accelerating your growth and success. Ready to experience the transformative power of coaching? Schedule a free strategy session today to explore how our coaching program can be tailored to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals faster!





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Enjoy the joy and freedom God's peace brings

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