Purchase the Anxiety Exodus Today!

Let's Face It Anxiety has become an epidemic!

It doesn't seem to matter who you are.  Anxiety is impacting everyone!  And the effects of anxiety are leaving lasting consequences.

Just look at a few alarming statistics:

  • Over 40% of people under the age of 25 are now grappling with anxious feelings. (source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • The use of anti-anxiety medications has increased by 36% in the last decade, with over 50 million prescriptions being filled annually. (Source: IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics)
  • Approximately 40 million adults in the U.S., or 18.1% of the population, are affected by anxiety disorders. (Source: National Institute of Mental Health)
  • About one-third of people each year who receive treatment for anxiety experience no improvement in their symptoms. (Source: Psychiatric Services)


If you've stuggled with Anxiety, Worry, or Fear...

you might have experienced some

or all of these symptoms


Are you Losing Sleep?

  • Do you find yourself unable to shut your mind off because your worried about something and can't stop thinking about it?

Do You Have an Inability to relax and feel on edge?

  • When we worry, our bodies release stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which trigger the body's "fight or flight" response
  • worry can manifest as muscle tension, increased heart rate, and shallow breathing. These physical symptoms contribute to the feeling of being on edge and make it difficult to relax

Avoiding Social Interactions

  • Do you avoid social activities and rather spend time alone
  •  Do you panic thinking about going into a new environment?
  • Do you worry about rejection

Are you irritable, moody, or easily agitated?

  • Sometimes it's not an anger issue but a worry issue.  When we are overwhelmed with worry or anxiety our emotional bandwidth for normal life is greatly reduced.

Are you having a hard time concentrating on anything else?

  • Excessive worrying about something can disrupt our daily activities
  • It takes us away from being who God created us to be in a given moment cause we are focused on our worry or anxiety
  • Worry and Anxiety can be paralyzing.  Do you know in the story of David and Goliath... the men of Israel went out to fight but because they were scared of Goliath they did nothing for 40 straight days.

Do you have physical symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath?

  • Worry doesn't just affect our thought life it can affect our physical health as well.

All These Struggles Disappear When you learn how to Cast Your Anxiety to God and Leave it in His Hands!

I know that can sound hard to believe - but it's true.

It's not talked about much but a major source of the worries we encounter is Spiritual Warfare.

I'm going to quote 3 verses to you.  Let's see if you've heard them before.  If you've spent any time in a church, I'll bet you've heard them.

 1. "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" (1 Peter 5:5)

2. "Cast all your anxiety upon Him [God] because He cares about you." (1 Peter 5:7)

3. "For your enemy prowls around, like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8)


Whether you've heard all of those verses before or not, you probably didn't know that they are all in the same chapter of the Bible one after another.  When we discover that they are right after each other we can learn some liberating truths about fear and anxiety. 

The first truth is this, the enemy (Satan) is prowling around looking to devour me and you in a moment of worry, fear, or anxiety. 

He's literally there in moments of worry and anxiety. 

That makes worry and anxiety more than a medical condition, more than a mental condition, IT IS A SPIRITUAL PROBLEM! 
If you're not fighting your worries and anxieties in a spiritual way, you're fighting a losing battle.


Why am I so confident that God can give you freedom?


Because Spiritual battles have to be fought spiritually.

I had one student who's parents called me and said that their son was in counseling but still struggling with suicidal ideation.  I agreed to meet with him.  I listened to him and could tell that fear was a root issue that he hadn't been dealing with in a Biblical way.  In three lessons, teaching him how to take his fears to God,  his suicidal ideation was gone. 


Maybe your worries and fears aren't that extreme.  I had a student attend a conference I did on overcoming worry, anxiety and fear.  Here's what Chris D. had to say: 
"When I arrived at the conference I was in an anxious state relating to my business. I have been in my field for over 3 decades and I'm usually quite confident and at peace about it. That fact that I wasn't, in and of itself, was disturbing. After the first session regarding peace (another way of saying the absence of fear), I dove into the application session and to say it was effective is an understatement. The anxiety went away to such a level that in the second section I was so peaceful and relaxed that I found myself falling asleep! I rallied for the rest of the conference but a need was met in the very first session."

Viki had this to say: "I learned so much and was able to directly apply it to my life right there during the course. I had not realized how much of a grip old negative tapes from past trauma in my life was still gripping my soul. Since taking  the course those tapes have been silenced. It has been such a release for my soul and am truly thankful for the peace I feel even during stressful times."

I have countless stories about how the truths of the Bible, when applied, brought freedom, peace, and calm into people's lives.

Enroll in the Anxiety Exodus Today!

Now I want to help you!

I'm Rick.

I'm the founding Pastor of the Church of the Free, where I have served as the lead Pastor for over 13 years.  I earned a Master’s of Divinity from Multnomah Biblical Seminary, where I was awarded the Faculty Award for Spiritual Life.

My passion is to help you experience God’s love and presence in your life, teach you how to apply the scriptures and walk you through a process of true transformation.

I started Come Close Ministries to help people draw close to God and learn how to experience His presence daily.

If you're struggling with worry or anxiety, I totally get what you're going through. I used to be consumed by fear and worry myself. Countless hours spent agonizing over things, losing sleep as my mind raced through every worst-case scenario imaginable. It was exhausting, to say the least.

But then, I stumbled upon these words of Jesus: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" It hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized that instead of gaining anything, I had lost so many precious hours dwelling on worry.

That's when I decided to make a change. I turned to prayer, dug into God's Word, and started putting my trust in Him in the areas I was worrying about. I discovered powerful truths in the Scriptures about worry and began applying them to my life. And you know what? Worry slowly began losing its grip on me, and I gained victory over the things I used to worry about.

I found inner peace, a peace that wasn't dependent on my circumstances. It was liberating. I learned what it truly means to cast my anxieties on God, and when I did, He replaced my worry with His peace.

About 15 years ago, I started sharing my journey with others and teaching them how to overcome worry. The impact it had on people's lives was incredible. And that's when I decided to create a full course, so I could help even more people find freedom from worry.

My deepest hope and prayer is that my own experiences and lessons learned will be a blessing to you, as I guide you in connecting with God and finding peace in the face of every worry, burden, or anxiety that weighs you down.

You don't have to carry that heaviness alone. Let's embark on this journey together and discover the peace that God has in store for you.

Warmest wishes,

A Worry Free Life is Within Reach


God's Peace is not elusive; you can live in His peace no matter your circumstances.  Let today be the last day you let worry, anxiety, or fear rule your life.


The Anxiety Exodus™ e-course will guide you through the process casting your anxiety to God and letting Him carry your burdens. 

It’s Time To Stop Living in Worry &
Cast Your Anxieties to God

The Anxiety Exodus™ E-course will guide you into freedom from worry and fear.


The Anxiety Exodus™


Are you tired of living in worry, anxiety or fear?

Feeling overwhelmed with worry, anxiety, or fear? Leave behind the days of being crippled with worries and fears. Embrace a life filled with daily peace and contentment. Let God be your guiding light on this journey towards a worry-free existence.

Learn the powerful art of casting your anxieties onto Him. Feel the burden slowly lift from your shoulders as you trust in His unwavering love and care. By handling your worries in a Biblical way, you and I can experience the peace that God has for us.  God's peace is not elusive, it's just requires us to handle are worries in a Biblical way.

Jesus invites all of us who are weary and heavy burdened to come unto Him and He will give us rest. He's waiting with oustretched arms to carry our burdens and anxieties.

Ready to experience the transformative power of God's peace? It's time to take that first step towards living a worry-free life brimming with contentment. Open your heart and discover what God can do for you. Prepare to be amazed and start your journey today!


The Biblical Equation that Equals God's Peace

The Bible tells us that there is a way to approach Him that ushers in His peace.  In this module discover this critical equation.


Casting Our Anxiety Upon God

Fear has a way of making us self-reliant.  1 Peter tells us to cast our anxiety to God.  But too often we don't.  In this module identify ways that your casting your anxiety to your own resources and learn how to cast it to God instead.


Breaking Free from Intimidation

Sometimes people come at us and try to intimidate us.  When we are intimidated we shrink back from our God given calling.  We miss the life God has for us as we respond to fearing people instead of God.  In this module uncover the truth about fearing the Lord, Break the pattern of succumbing to intimidation, and step into your God given calling.


Simple Bite-sized Truths to walk free from worry.

The Bible is loaded with little truths about worry, anxiety and fear.  When we remember and apply this simple, easy to remember truths, worry becomes a thing of the past.



Q & A

Our live audience asked many questions.  Hear the answers that demonstrate how to apply these truths to every day living


The course if filled with application sessions so you learn how to apply each truth to your life.

2 Options to Overcome Worry, Anxiety & Fear

What is the best option for you?


Our e-course is designed for those who value flexibility and comprehensive learning at their own pace. With expertly crafted modules, you gain in-depth knowledge and actionable insights to achieve your goals. Unlike traditional learning methods, our e-course allows you to learn anytime, anywhere, making it perfect for busy lifestyles. Each module is structured to build on the previous one, ensuring a smooth and effective learning journey. Additionally, our e-course provides life-changing exercises, to reinforce your understanding and keep you engaged. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your skills and knowledge on your terms. Enroll in our e-course today and take the first step towards mastering your goals with flexibility and convenience!


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Coaching Experience

Coaching offers distinct advantages over e-courses by providing personalized attention, tailored guidance, and real-time feedback that e-courses simply can't match.  Coaching ensures accountability, keeping you motivated and on track towards your goals. With coaching, you receive immediate assistance and specific solutions to your unique challenges, accelerating your growth and success. Ready to experience the transformative power of coaching? Schedule a free strategy session today to explore how our coaching program can be tailored to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals faster!





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Enjoy the joy and freedom God's peace brings

Worry Free Living Starts Here


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